Eli’s Boiler room

By: Dawn Chute

Eli Saari is by far one of the most well known spirits at Hill View. He is talked about on almost every television show and YouTube channel. He is very interactive and quite protective of “his people” meaning staff and regular visitors. I jokingly refer to him as my work husband.

Several years ago the ceiling collapsed and we had to unfortunately close it for safety reasons.

As much as it pained us to do so, we always keep our guests safety at the forefront. During that time Eli could be found in the lobby and main hallway. just a little bit sad.

Enter Jim Leopardo and Sage Gatto. They decided that upon inspection there was a real possibility that they could make it safe. That was music to all of our ears. After months of hard work and just a little bit of fun the room was ready to reopen. With excitement the first investigation took place.

It has been a year now. To say that the activity has increased is an understatement. Eli is much more active. As well as some new found spirits. There is rarely a time where there isn’t activity. Shadow people, moving cat balls, flashlight sessions, and EVP. We never guarantee activity but his hallway is a great place to find something.

We are so thankful to Jim and all of his helpers without whom we wouldn’t be able to experience this amazing room.