our calendar for 2025 will open on January 1st, 2025. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on facebook to stay up to date!

Live Streaming Policy

All Recorded Content in the form of live streams must adhere to the terms and conditions of Haunted Hill View Manor Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity (“Waiver”), the Community Standards of the service channel provider and any other Haunted Hill View Inc’s policies. This “Live Streaming Policy” is supplemental to the Waiver and any conflicts appearing between this Policy and the Waiver are controlled by the Waiver. 


Haunted Hill View Manor does not authorize Live Streaming without the written permission of Haunted Hill View, except as expressly and specifically set forth in the Waiver, or as set forth in a fully executed separate Recorded Content Agreement or as set forth herein.

Any guest who broadcasts Live must provide, in advance of broadcast, the link to the website for posting of the Live Stream.

Private Investigations (aka Private Hunts) 

Live streaming is only authorized if:

  1. it is Usable content for Personal Entertainment (as defined in the Waiver)
  2. the reservation is for a Private Investigation
  3. the Live Streaming session is conducted only by one person per Live Streaming session per paid reservation


Tours, public investigations or other types of reservations/activities 

MAY NOT conduct Live Streaming unless Haunted Hill View agrees, at its sole discretion, and a separate mutually signed Recorded Content Rider is entered into as part of the reservation.

This authorization is for one person filming one (up to 4-hr) Live session per reservation. 

Live Streaming may not occur in “No Record Zones” (as define in the Waiver) and is not permitted during tours, classes and/or outside of the Haunted Hill View Manor building. 

Haunted Hill View, Inc. always reserves the right to disable, restrict or require terminate of the Live Stream at its discretion, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Music, images or any content (including background content) that is in violation of copyright laws.
  2. Any content or behavior that is age-restricted (inappropriate for 18 years or younger) or deemed by HVM as violent, dangerous, abusive or offensive to viewers or participants.
  3. Capturing the image or voice of others that have not agreed to participate or agreed to release their rights to be recorded in a written agreement signed by you and the others.
  4. Equipment that does not meet FCC Part 15 rules and regulations or causes interference with internal LAN system or Comcast ISP. Equipment will be turned off until the interference can be rectified.
  5. Exceeding any terms of the Waiver, any Recorded Content Rider, this Live Streaming Policy and or any HVM policy.

You must provide Hill View Manor with the Live Streaming website on the night of the reservation prior to going Live.

Any penalties or fines due to violations of this Live Streaming policy are the sole responsibility of the individual or group recording the Live Streaming.

In addition to the terms and Haunted Hill View’s rights set forth in the Waiver, Hill View Manor reserves the right to use all recorded content.


Hill View Manor offers Live Streaming as a part of some private events. Please note that WiFi service is not available in some parts of the building. Hill View Manor is not responsible for any technical issues associated with Live Streaming.

All rights not expressly and specifically set forth herein are reserved by Haunted Hill View Manor.