If you would like to submit evidence, please limit it to a maximum of 3 photos, 3 evps, and 1 video per visit to Hill View. Due the large quantity of orb photos that we receive, we ask that you not send any photos or videos containing only orbs. We hold the right to reject any submissions. We have an anonymous panel of investigators that vote on which evidence we will display on our website. We do appreciate any evidence that we receive and will keep it on file for possible future use if we decide to not currently use it.
You can either email your evidence to evidence@hauntedhillviewmanor.com, mail a CD with your evidence to Haunted Hill View Inc., 5586 Aiken Rd., McKees Rocks, PA 15136 or bring a copy to Hill View during your next visit. Once you submit your evidence to Haunted Hill View Manor, you are agreeing to allow us to use it on our website or for any type of advertising. You or your group will receive full credit for your submissions. Thank you in advance! We appreciate your involvement with Haunted Hill View Manor!