Hill-Con 2022

By: Melissa Keen

August 13th marks the return of our premiere event of the year, Hill-Con 2022. This years event is going to be spectacular!!

We have an outstanding lineup of speakers and guests from the paranormal field and we can’t wait to share them with you. 

Alex Matsuo is a paranormal researcher, investigator, and accomplished author. She’s appeared on Haunted Hospitals on Discovery+, and Most Terrifying Places in America on Travel Channel. She also runs the blog, YouTube channel, and podcast “The Spooky Stuff”. If it’s weird, unusual, scary or haunted, Alex wants to talk about it. Alex will be speaking about Empathic Ghost Hunting and will share her techniques and real life examples of this type of investigating. 



April Busset is also known as the Psychic Housewife of New Jersey and the Celebrity Psychic Medium. April is a clairvoyant and has been featured on the hit tv show The Holzer Files on the Travel Channel. She has investigated some of the most well known locations in the paranormal field. She hosts Live Readings with April every Tuesday night where she conducts live readings to her audience. 



Chris Sanders is a paranormal investigator and owner of Buddy the Haunted Doll. Chris has been investigating for 14 years and has appeared on Travel Channel shows Paranormal 911 and Fright Club. Chris will be speaking about  Haunted Objects.




Daniel Klaes has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and has appeared on Paranormal Lockdown, America’s Most Terrifying Places, and many other tv shows and radio shows. Daniel is the owner of the infamous Hinsdale House in NY. Daniel will be speaking about Excavating the Notorious Hinsdale House. 




Dave Juliano is an accomplished paranormal investigator and researcher with over 35 years in the field. Dave specializes in extreme Hauntings which involve negative and demonic activity. Dave is co-owner of The GhostHunter Store, has written several books, is an ordained member of the clergy, and has appeared on the History Channel, Travel Channel, National Geographic, and many other tv shows, magazines, books, and radio shows. 



Erik Knapp has 25 years as an investigator in the paranormal field. Erik travels the country Investigating haunted locations and helping people with hauntings. Stephanie Hutnik is a psychic/medium who spends her time helping others get answers they are seeking. Erik and Stephanie have joined together to film The Savannah Experiment which focuses on urban legends and hauntings exclusive to the Savannah area. They will be speaking about the hauntings and research in Savannah, GA.



Frater Crow is an ordained occult minister and has spent the last 2 decades communicating with spirits through experimentation in esoteric sciences. Frater hosts several podcasts and research’s with various teams. Frater will be speaking about understanding Spiritual phenomena through energy manipulation.




Adam “Glider” Bonnett is a paranormal investigator, but not just any investigator. Adam is in a wheelchair, but it doesn’t slow him down. Glider is a symbol that there are no limitations to those who truly believe and he continues to raise awareness that anything is possible. Adam has investigated all over the country, and was the paranormal manager at Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. Adam will be speaking about Putting the “para” in paranormal. 



Kristin Lee is the owner of the Bellaire House, an accomplished paranormal investigator and researcher, a profound Psychic Medium, and metaphysician who helps families overcome their traumatic paranormal experiences. Kristin has appeared Bio Channel, A&E, Destination America, Travel Channel, and Lifetime Channel. She is also an accomplished author.



We will also have psychics, vendors, and more. Make sure you don’t miss this great event!! Presale tickets are $15, $20 at the door. Click here for more details and to purchase your tickets today!!